Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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    Marketing is everything. Market a product the right way and it will sell, even if it is a product that no one needs. Remember the Snuggie? The Clapper? My Pillow? That dude’s politics aside, you have to hand it to him for making a medioc

Marketing is everything. Market a product the right way and it will sell, even if it is a product that no one needs. Remember the Snuggie? The Clapper? My Pillow? That dude’s politics aside, you have to hand it to him for making a mediocre pillow and turning it into an empire. In theory, you can create any old thing and make a mint. It all comes down to hiring someone who knows the ins and outs of marketing. Something I know absolutely nothing about. If I did my cartoons would be everywhere and everyone would know my music. Alas, I know practically nothing about product peddling and I don’t have the budget to hire someone that does.

That’s what it all comes down to really, isn’t it? It takes money to make money. That is not designed by accident. It’s why the rich get richer. Occasionally you will have someone break through and find success outside of that mold. But, more often than not, those who already had the money to invest are the ones making big money off of a mediocre product. Sad but true.

They DO have to let someone through now and again though. Other wise the American dream wouldn’t seem attainable to anyone living pay check to pay check. That is the great illusion and we eat it right up! Who doesn't like a good magic show now and again?

Great success is still mostly reserved for the wealthy and powerful but, if they let a “regular” in every so often, it gives people hope that they can do it as well. Magic!

That is why I would like to offer up my cartoons as an experiment. Are you, or do you know, someone that has disposable income and would like to amass even more? Have I got the plan for you!

Here it is:

You give me 30% from of all the profits YOU make off of MY cartoons (or music) and you get to keep the rest for yourself! All you have to do is market my work like it’s the next great thing and watch the money come rolling in! It will take an investment to start on your behalf, but if you market it right, you will make tons of dough!

Think of it like this. A rich person who knows how to hire the right marketing firm (and has the capital to do so) will hire a PR team and sink loads of cash into my cartoons. Be it books, animation, product placement, etc. In turn, the PR firm will market the every living hell out of it. Now, anyone willing to do this is going to want a huge return on their investment, right? So let’s say that you invest $200,000 into marketing my cartoons. In return you only make $500,000 back. That ain’t going to cut it. No! You’ll need to make at least 1.5 million for it to be a worthwhile investment, right? You will need to hire the best marketing firm you can find for this to happen. Even then, that would only be a return of 1.3 million. That is small potatoes for a real investor such as yourself. Still, you will give me my 30% ($390,000) and pocket the remaining money and presto! Easy money! You get back your $200,000 AND made $910,000 profit! Not bad right? Of course that is still not a million so next time we are going to have to up the ante!

Truth be told, the 30% cut from the first scenario, where you only make back a half a million, would be just fine for me. After you make back your $200K investment there would still be $300K in the pot. My 30% would be $90K, leaving you with ONLY $210,000.00. So in essence you would have spent $200K to make $210K. Not a great investment for those that are in the game. But not a loss either.


THAT is why the rich get richer. Because only making $200K profit is bullshit, so they need to make sure they hire the right people to market their endeavors.

Meanwhile, I would be just fine with the $90K. More than fine actually.

This is why I am an artist. I don’t want to think about all that crap. I just want to create things and perform for people. I am fine with making only 90K off of your marketing efforts...so what I am saying is….do you have disposable income and want to help launch a career for a budding artist/entertainer? If so, let’s do business! I will keep being creative with my art and you be creative with the marketing. You may not get rich, but you will make some extra scratch for your bank account. Plus, I would be ecstatic to live off of your shavings from that scratch.

This has literally been the business model for artists for years. Either supporting fully them as a patron or signing them to contracts that largely benefit the investor. Artists need business people and vice a versa. Sure, you can promote yourself successfully, as many do these days with the internet. But think about this...You wouldn’t have the Sistine Chapel if not for wealthy patrons. You wouldn’t have had Elvis if not for Colonel Tom Parker’s cut throat business sense. Michelangelo and Elvis did alright, but were nowhere near as well off as those that profited off of them. It’s the story of success. A deal with the devil? Perhaps. But it is a deal that lets each party do what they are good at and not have to half ass the parts they are not. Is it fair? No, but it is the perfect business model. I am an artist. Exploit me for your gain. I am fine with it. As long as your marketing is eco friendly and plant based, that is. It’s the only way I will do business with you.

Email my for my phone number and I will have my people get in touch with your people.

This has been my Ted talk.


Tod talk I suppose?

That is today’s cartoon folks. Make sure to buy plant based products and lets make some money!

By the way, I don’t accept crypto. After all, I did say eco friendly.

I’ll be back Sunday with the next cartoon.



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