Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   It always amazes me how people enjoy yelling into the void to validate their own options. I mean, let’s get real, how many people have changed their minds on a subject because some ass hat repeatedly berates them online? I’m not a statist

It always amazes me how people enjoy yelling into the void to validate their own options. I mean, let’s get real, how many people have changed their minds on a subject because some ass hat repeatedly berates them online? I’m not a statistician but I’m pretty sure that the answer is 0.

I understand that we all want to be listened to. We all want people to respect our opinions but this is not necessarily the way to accomplish this goal. More often than not, people will lose any respect that they had for you as you spend your time arguing with anyone and everyone for the sake of “winning”. Plus, what is there to gain from your perceived victory? Not even a trophy.

I’ve written about this before. I feel it’s a downward trend that we need to reverse soon. Nowadays it’s all about:

Destroying” someone
Owning” someone

How about letting it go? There is a saying among many 12 step programs that say “live and let live”. I promise you that this is the better approach.

If you can have a meaningful conversation of differing opinions with someone then, by all means, do so. You may find common ground and/or agree to respectfully disagree. This is one place where the internet doesn’t excel. I recommend having your discussions in person rather than behind a keyboard. You might even find that you share a similar outlook on a few things with someone who doesn’t share your total viewpoint. On the internet, the likelihood of this happening is greatly decreased.

But don’t take my word for it. I’m just a guy who silly draws cartoons. At the end of the day, the cartoons don’t really mean that much to society as a whole. If I make you chuckle that’s all I really want to do. If you laughed enough to share it with your friends, I am ecstatic! If you share online it and someone starts trolling you with their professed “knowledge “…tell ‘em to go pick a fight on Twitter with some rando. We don’t have time for that negativity here.

That’s today’s cartoon folks. Thanks for stopping by and thank you for not “destroying “ me in the comments section. Your support means the world to me. I’ll be back Wednesday with a brand new toon. Until then, be safe and be well.


Control The Newz_Midlife Thesis_4.13.2022.png

Plant Based Plants_Midlife Thesis_4.6.2022.png