Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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    Seriously! It’s frigid ‘round these parts!  As of the date of this cartoon posting we have been undergoing a two-week period in which the temperature has barely risen above 0 degrees Fahrenheit.   (That is -17.78 Celsius if you are readi

Seriously! It’s frigid ‘round these parts!

As of the date of this cartoon posting we have been undergoing a two-week period in which the temperature has barely risen above 0 degrees Fahrenheit. (That is -17.78 Celsius if you are reading this almost anywhere else in the world other than the United States or Liberia. The Cayman Islands as well...I think? I don’t remember….I’ll have to ask my accountant. Just kidding, I’m a musician and a cartoonist, I certainly do not have any offshore bank accounts. Boy, am I getting side-tracked. I probably should end this diversion between parentheses. Okay then….) In terms of Fahrenheit, water freezes at 32 degrees above 0, so it has literally been BELOW freezing for half a month now. At this point, 32 degrees sounds like a heat wave!

I always wonder why I stayed in Northern Vermont this time of year. It is so cold here! All I really have to do is move where it’s warmer. It is that easy. But I won’t. You want to know why? Simple. It’s home. It’s where I was raised. It’s where my parents were raised. It’s where my parent's parents were raised. It’s even where my parent’s parent’s parents were raised. There seems to be a pattern here. It’s…...wait for it…..apparent that there is! Ha ha ha! (Thanks, I will be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your bartenders)

What I am trying to say is...the reason that I sit here, frozen to my office chair, is not my fault. It is the fault of my ancestors that came before me and decided to settle here. I always wonder about that. Pre-Insulation, Pre-furnaces, Pre-Space Heaters and all of that sort of stuff...people actually came to New England in the winter and thought, “shit, this seems nice.” AND STAYED HERE!!! Why??? Were they afraid that if they started to move south, they may fall off the end of the earth? Maybe the pilgrims decided that since they’d made it across the ocean safely that they better not test their luck anymore? That’s another thing entirely. The pilgrims landed in Massachusetts and there was already a colony in Virginia at the time, but they decided that Massachusetts would be warm enough. THEN….years later some of them MOVED NORTH of Massachusetts to even colder climates. What???

All kidding asides, I know that my history is a bit off, and I can’t really blame my existence in Northern Vermont on the pilgrims anyways. A large amount of my blood is actually Abenaki, so it was almost predetermined that I would live just south of the north pole for eternity. Nonetheless it makes a funny premise for a cartoon, no?

If you are coming here because you saw this cartoon posted somewhere on Facebook or Instagram and you were told that there would be a version of this cartoon where I removed the word “Vermont” so you could add your own frozen town, city, State, etc… I assure you that you were not mislead. Scroll down a little further and grab the cartoon for your editing pleasure. If you do add your own location to it and share it with your friends, I only ask two things:

1. I would love to see it. Please send it my way as well.

2. Please give Midlife Thesis Cartoons a shout out.

Well, that is today’s cartoon folks. I need to go defrost my fingers and yell at my furnace. I’ll be back Sunday with something a little warmer for your viewing pleasure. As always, thanks for checking out my cartoons and we will see you next time!



As promised, here is the cartoon with the word “Vermont” removed so you can replace it with your city, town, State, etc… Feel free to share with your friends but please don’t forget to give me the credit for the cartoon ;-)

Ferris W. Heel_Midlife Thesis_1.30.2022.png

Christmas Tree Roasting_Midlife Thesis_1.23.2022.png