Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

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   I don’t know what it is about inanimate objects talking, but it always makes me laugh.   Can’t you just imagine the hilarious conversations that they must have while observing us ridiculous humans? We certainly do give them plenty of mate

I don’t know what it is about inanimate objects talking, but it always makes me laugh.

Can’t you just imagine the hilarious conversations that they must have while observing us ridiculous humans? We certainly do give them plenty of material to discuss! Of course, the laws of physics teach us that we can not actually hear the conversations amongst non living objects, but for this cartoon you will have to suspend reality a bit.

The idea for this cartoon obviously stems from the current rise in gas prices, however the inspiration really came while looking at some pajamas.
Let me explain:

For Christmas, my girlfriend bought me a pair of pajama bottoms with two of my favorite Muppets on them. For trademark purposes I will not mention the characters by name. Let’s just say their names rhyme with “Bernie” and “Shirt”. On the pattern of the pants, one of the Muppets is saying to the other, “you mad bro?”.

Now, I had just returned home from filling my Nissan Altima up at the local Mobile station and was in a minor state of shock from the sticker price. As I walked down the hall and past our clothes drying rack I saw the pants casually hanging off the side with the catch phrase in full display. I couldn’t help but crack up. I mean, life is just ludicrous at times is it not? Who would have thought that a tank of gas and a bag of groceries could completely deplete your weekly budget? It is maddening but it is also kind of hilarious when you think about it. Humans were born to this earth with no concept of money or material things…no deadlines or responsibility…yet, here we are!

If you can’t laugh at a situation you’ll cry right? Well, I am laughing my ass off over here currently!

There you have it. A story on how pajamas inspired a cartoon. Invigorating isn’t it?

That is today’s cartoon folks. I will be back Sunday with a brand new one. Now, if you will excuse me, I am off to the bank to take out a personal loan so I can afford to drive to New Hampshire for the weekend. Sure, I only live about 30 miles from the New Hampshire State line, but have you seen these friggen gas prices? As always, thanks for stopping by and check out my cartoons. It makes me happier than you could ever know. Till next time!



Jeezum Crow_Midlife Thesis_3.20.2022.png

Deathly Afraid_Midlife Thesis_3.13.2022.png