Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   I don’t remember exactly when it was that I became afraid of heights but it started sometime in adulthood. Before that I was fearless!  Speaking of adulthood….can we all agree to stop calling it “ adulting” ? “Adulting” does not mean what

I don’t remember exactly when it was that I became afraid of heights but it started sometime in adulthood. Before that I was fearless!

Speaking of adulthood….can we all agree to stop calling it “adulting”? “Adulting” does not mean what you think it does. Sure, you THINK it’s a clever one-word verb to describe adult-like tasks, situations, and responsibilities, but we can’t just go around creating verbs out of nouns all willy nilly. Trendy as it may be, we need to return to simply saying “doing adult things.” Before this trend of verbifying words for no reason started, “adulting” used to mean something very different. “Adulting” used to mean that you were committing adultery. Unfortunately, the Merriam/Webster Dictionary caved to the hipsters and “adulting” now actually does mean behaving like an adult. So……I guess I am fighting a pointless fight and “adulting” does, in fact, now mean what you think it does.

Ah well……say it however you want. I still refuse to use it.

Also, get off my lawn!

Back to my fear of heights….

I used to love climbing trees, scaffolding, ladders, etc., but not anymore! Now my knees get weak on the third rung of a step ladder trying to change a light bulb. The thing is, I don’t remember when this change occurred. One day I was climbing a chain-link fence to get to the roof of a building in a back alley to smoke pot with my friends, the next thing I know - I have to hire an electrician to change a bulb that is only 6 feet from the ground! Funny how age does that to you huh? They say that you become a new person every seven years. Well, this new person that I have become recently is pretty scared of heights and really hates the term “adulting”.

I am a complex individual. It’s why I create cartoons. Things make sense to me in cartoon land, and I am not afraid of anything!

That’s today’s cartoon folks. Thanks for stopping by! I will see you Wednesday with a brand new toon. Until then - be careful on ladders and have fun doing adult-like tasks.



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New Wipers_Midlife Thesis_3.9.2022.png