Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   Spell check. Grammarly. Brian sure could use both of them!  In his defense though, this is a fairly easy mistake to make. Wait a minute? Why am I defending Brian? He’s a cartoon! Clearly, I have a hard time separating fiction from reality

Spell check. Grammarly. Brian sure could use both of them!

In his defense though, this is a fairly easy mistake to make. Wait a minute? Why am I defending Brian? He’s a cartoon! Clearly, I have a hard time separating fiction from reality. Anyhow, sometimes even spellcheck and Grammarly combined can’t make you look intelligent. Let me explain:

I am currently working on a project, outside of cartooning, with a real live person named Brian. We exchange emails on a daily basis as we iron out all the details of the project. One day, after about 3 weeks of exchanging messages, he emailed me back and asked, “are you aware that you are spelling my name as “Brain” rather than Brian?” Ooooops……

The funny part is that I always use the built-in spell check that on my computer AND I also use Grammarly. However, neither of those functions caught my spelling era because, technically, brain is a proper word. Now, that doesn’t say much for Grammarly as far as checking grammar goes – though I only use the free version which is basically spellcheck in a fancy package. Simple fix you may say. Just upgrade to Grammarly Pro. Hell no! I’ll be dammed if I am going to pay a subscription for a program to critique my grammar. I already have enough subscriptions anyways.

How are we even supposed to keep track of all of these subscriptions now a days? I’m subscribed to so many random services that I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a package from the Jelly of the Month club sitting on my doorstep when I get home this evening! I desperately need to narrow it down. I’ve decided that I’m only going to subscribe to three services and if that’s not enough then screw it, it wasn’t meant to be enjoyed. Those services are:

1. Amazon Prime (because I like the free shipping and the lack of 2-day delivery)

2. Netflix (because I’m chill)


3. Disney + (because I am still basically a 6-year-old in an adult body)

So now when friends ask me if I have seen a certain show or not, I’ll ask if it’s on one of those 3 services….“Nope, it’s on Hulu.”

Well then - I am NEVER GOING TO SEE IT! I can’t be bothered with all of this crap. Sure, it’s five dollars here and there and soon enough you're $200 behind on your mortgage. All because you wanted to watch “Letterkenny”. Well, I’m not having it! I don’t even care if it hurts Kenny’s feelings either. Now…. what does any of this have to do with spelling? Nothing.

Back to my friend Brain. I mean Brian. Whatever…

I did feel embarrassed for calling him Brain for three weeks, but now it makes me chuckle. Next time I see him in person I’m just going call him Brain to keep things consistent. I told him I was going to make a cartoon about this botched spelling, and he said he was cool with it as long as it was a good cartoon. With his blessing all I had to do was come up with a good idea. It all came together the other day when I made another misspelling in an email to someone completely different. In the email I asked them how long they had been singing for...except I wrote “signing” and Grammarly must have thought I was talking about sign language instead of singing. So... lesson learned, don’t completely give control of your life over to software or you may end up looking like a fool. In terms of cartooning however, it’s a pretty clever gag if I may say so myself!

That’s today’s cartoon folks! I hope you enjoyed my musings, misspellings and streaming platform lecture. I will be back Wednesday for a mid-week cartoon that will be sure to put a smile on my buddy Brain’s face. As always, thanks for checking out my cartoons! We will see you soon.



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