Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   It seems like every time I arrive home in the evenings my mailbox is stuffed full with a disproportionate amount of mail.   1 package that I ordered (yay)  3 bills (boo)  Some sort of car dealership add or coupon flyer (meh)   and   A bun

It seems like every time I arrive home in the evenings my mailbox is stuffed full with a disproportionate amount of mail.

1 package that I ordered (yay)

3 bills (boo)

Some sort of car dealership add or coupon flyer (meh)


A bunch of junk mail (double boo)

If I’m lucky, the mail carrier remembered to grab my outgoing mail - though often it’s just crammed back in the box with everything else. Thus: inbox, outbox, trash, & spam. All in one overstuffed letterbox.

Thus, I propose: the new patented “Analog Outlook” Mail Delivery Receptacle!

Or AOMDR for short.

It combines all the practicality of a traditional mailbox with the enhanced sorting capabilities of an e-mail server that almost no one uses anymore. No longer must you bring everything inside your house, sort it and discard it in the trash. Now the post office will make that decision for you! Should you choose to accept all of your mail for the day, simply bring it inside like you normally would. If not, you may choose what you keep and what you leave in the boxes for the mail carrier to dispose of - in 30 days. Just as with Email, if something is left in the trash box for 30 days, it will automatically dispose of itself. Think of the economic impact! The post office will have to hire more letter carriers in order to implement this plan to perfection. Not only are we decluttering your home, but we are also creating jobs for the economy! Brilliant!

Of course, the price of stamps may have to go up again to deal with these new overhead expenses.

In addition, the post office may have to start charging a disposal fee. We’ll call it a “Recycling Tax”! That way we can feel like we are doing something good for the environment at the same time. Win/Win! Who said that cartoons couldn’t make a difference? Clearly, they can change the world!

That is today’s cartoon folks. Feel free to share it in an email with someone and we will see if it ends up in their trash or spam folder. If we are lucky it will end up in their outbox, meaning that they forwarded it to someone else’s mail delivery system. This is how we will slowly take over the world! One cartoon at a time. I’ll be back here in a few days with Sunday’s cartoon delivery. Like clockwork. Nothing can stop the cartoons. Through rain, sleet, and snow.



Outside Box_Midlife Thesis_2.27.2022.png

Brains Sings_Midlife Thesis_2.20.2022.png