Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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    Do you ever have one of “those days”?    It’s the days where nothing seems to quite gel.    It’s the days that you can think of the words you want to use but then you fumble them through your tongue when you try to verbalize them out lou

Do you ever have one of “those days”?

It’s the days where nothing seems to quite gel.

It’s the days that you can think of the words you want to use but then you fumble them through your tongue when you try to verbalize them out loud.

The days where you try to grab something from the top shelf, and it rewards you with a high five to the skull.

You know….THOSE DAYS!

They happen I suppose…. it’s inevitable…it’s part of life...and they sure do happen often! Now, I am not one for speculation, nor do I necessarily believe in Karma. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in the principal of Karma, I just have a hard time believing in it when so many bad people continue to never seem to suffer the same fate that they project onto others. So, I mean, I wish there was Karma – but I kind of doubt it’s actually real. Kind of like the Loch Ness monster. As for speculation, well - I tend to believe that the energy we put out into the world comes back at us from all angles. For instance, if you are in one of “those moods” where you think you can’t do anything right – you probably won’t. Not all the time, but a fair amount. Sure, we've all had “those days” where we felt that absolutely nothing could go wrong and then absolutely everything did go wrong. Still, more often than not though, optimism tends to work in our favor.

Clearly the lady in this cartoon started off her day with a tinge of pessimism. Or - maybe she stubbed her toe getting out of bed in the morning and that set forth the mindset of being negative from the start? Now at the end of the day, over a beer, she is solemnly reflecting upon her day. Or - maybe it was just one of “those days” - for no reason at all? Maybe tomorrow will be better? Maybe it will be more of the same? The only thing we can really say for certain about tomorrow is...it will be tomorrow.

That’s today’s cartoon folks! It means so much to me to have you stop by and check them out. Slowly but surely, we are building an audience for Midlife Thesis. It makes me so happy! I shall continue to put good vibes out there that we will remain along this path of growth throughout the year. If not, I’ll blame it on Karma. I still don’t really believe in it, but if I fail, I need to have to blame something, right?

See you Sunday for the next cartoon!



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