Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   When it comes right down to it, isn’t lunch the most important part of the workday? I can divide a typical workday into two distinct parts:   Before  lunch and  after  lunch.  Before lunch consists of coming into the office. Wasting time

When it comes right down to it, isn’t lunch the most important part of the workday?
I can divide a typical workday into two distinct parts:

Before lunch and after lunch.

Before lunch consists of coming into the office. Wasting time on the general greetings, “how was your night?”, “any plans for the weekend?”, etc…followed by “what are your plans for lunch?” I would say all of this takes roughly an hour or so. Then it’s down to brass tacks. This is where you accomplish 90% of your productivity for the day. From, let’s say, 10 am to 11 am you will get more work accomplished than you will in the entire afternoon.

Once 11 am hits, that momentum will decline rapidly as lunch plans start infiltrating the workspace for the next hour.

Then comes lunch.

Some go out.

Some eat at their desk.

Some combine the two by going to grab lunch and then eating it at your desk.

Or break room. Or car…etc.

It’s truly the best part of the day. A time to reflect on life’s oddities and shortcomings. A time to catch up on gossip or spend your time rotting your brain on social media. Like I said, truly the highlight of the day.

By the time one o’clock rolls around, it’s back to the grind. Except for this time your only focus is on quitting time. The next few hours will be devoted to pretending to be productive - while thinking about everything you need to do come quitting time before you arrive home for the evening.
All and all, in 8 hours, your day has completely revolved around lunch.

This is why I propose the one-hour workday. If everyone picks just one hour each day to 100% focus on the tasks at hand, the rest of the day could be used wisely by the company you work for. They will be able to save money on electricity, heating fuel, office space rental…everything…if business hours were just one hour a day. Right?

You see, this is why I am not a successful businessman. Because all I can focus on is lunch. Clearly, I am not alone in my thought process because I can almost hear you agreeing with me.

That’s today’s cartoon folks! I’ll be back Wednesday with another cartoon that I came up with at my desk at lunchtime. Sketched after lunch and produced when I got home for the evening. I wonder what everyone at the office is doing for lunch tomorrow?

In-laws, eh_Midlife Thesis_4.27.2022 .png

Flat Earth Fun_Midlife Thesis_4.20.2022.png