Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   I always thought the proper term for these geese was Canadian geese.   Or Canadian Goose.   Turns out, it’s Canada Goose/Geese.   I grew up, basically on the Canadian border. The town I was born and raised in is only about nine miles from

I always thought the proper term for these geese was Canadian geese.

Or Canadian Goose.

Turns out, it’s Canada Goose/Geese.

I grew up, basically on the Canadian border. The town I was born and raised in is only about nine miles from the Canadian border. In just 15 minutes or so you can pop on I-91 North and be at the border of Stanstead, Quebec. Home of Steve’s Pizzeria and many Canada Geese.

Anyways, we always called them Canadian geese…and we were wrong.

You may think it is weird that I mentioned a pizzeria before I mentioned more traditionally Canadian things like a hockey rink, Tim Horton’s, or national health care - but trust me, there is a reason pizza is high on my list of Canadian all-stars.

You see, while I grew up about nine miles from the border, my grandparents practically lived on the border. They were both Canadian citizens that moved to the US just before my mother was born. This means that I spent a great deal of time on the Canadian side of the border as a child. My grandfather and I would often cross into Canada for him to do some shopping, visit family, and grab lunch. Our favorite spot - was Steve’s Pizzeria! It wasn’t just the Canadian side of the family that loved the pizza - my father’s side (Uncles, Aunts, etc) still loves it to this day. When everyone visits Vermont in the summer, Canadian pizza is always one of the highlights of their trip. Of course, COVID has made that fairly impossible the last couple of years…but maybe this summer? Fingers crossed.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Pizza is Italian! You are not wrong. It’s just a different experience. You know how Canadian bacon isn’t the same as American bacon? Well, Canadian Pizza is a similar experience. It’s not the same thing at all. The dough is doughier. The sauce is thinner and the meats and veggies are cooked underneath the cheese. The cheese is also different due to different regulations on processing foods. As far as describing how it tastes…I can’t really tell you that it tastes like any pizza you may have had. It’s its own thing entirely. It’s not deep dish. It’s not Sicilian. It’s just….well…Canadian. French-Canadian to be exact. If you are ever in Quebec, you need to try it. It is kind of a French Canadian thing more than a nationwide kind of thing, so if you are in Toronto, chances are their pizza is going to be more similar to what you are already familiar with.

The bottom line is - Yum!

Anyways, this cartoon is about geese and I don’t know anything about geese other than that the technical term is Canada goose and not Canadian goose. We will reserve the “Canadian” moniker for pizza.

Bon Appetite!

That’s today’s cartoon folks! I will be back Sunday with a whole new one. Until then keep an eye on the skies for geese and an eye on the US/Canada border for some kick-ass pizza!



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Back To Lunch_Midlife Thesis_4.24.2022.png