Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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    Yikes! Her complexion is REALLY off today!  Hangover? The flu? Food poisoning? We know it is not COVID because I create the cartoon world of “Midlife Thesis” and in my cartoon world COVID doesn’t exist! That’s right, in “Midlife Thesis”

Yikes! Her complexion is REALLY off today!

Hangover? The flu? Food poisoning? We know it is not COVID because I create the cartoon world of “Midlife Thesis” and in my cartoon world COVID doesn’t exist! That’s right, in “Midlife Thesis” land I am God! I am the creator and destroyer of all things! In my world I would never subject my (cartoon) people to anything as horrible as COVID, or taxes, or even pop country music for that matter.

Wait a minute? Does this make me a dictator? A cartoon world overlord? That is probably an entirely different subject that we don’t need to get into today. Let’s focus on the subject at hand, shall we?

The other day I was feeling a bit run down. The holiday season had come and gone, and everyday life had returned in full swing leaving me slightly exhausted and unmotivated. There I was, toiling away on the couch, trying to find something on Netflix that I was interested in when my girlfriend asked me how I was feeling. I said, “A little tired I suppose. Why?” To which she replied, “your complexion is a little off.” At first, this left me wondering if I, perhaps, looked like a vampire – or a random character in a Tim Burton movie – but more importantly I thought of this cartoon. It’s a good thing too because I really wasn’t coming up with a lot of cartoon ideas surfing through the Netflix suggestions menu. So, there you have it, a cartoon was born!

Turns out I was fine. Just a little overtired. I went to bed early that evening and awoke fresh as a daisy. My complexion was back to its usual stunning glow. It’s amazing how the body can tell us to take it easy when it needs to and, just in case we are too stubborn to listen to it, it also gives clues to the people around us as well. I am a pretty stubborn person so chances are I wouldn’t have gone to bed early that evening had my girlfriend not said anything and I probably would have worked myself into getting sick. But alas, “Are you feeling okay? Your complexion is really off today”, 10 words to better health!

That is today’s cartoon friends! Remember to rest when you need it, and we will be back on Sunday with the next cartoon. As always, thank you for checking out my cartoons and sharing them with your friends. It means a lot to me to have your support.



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Snow Job_Midlife Thesis_1.16.2022.png