Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   Puns are a funny thing. When properly executed they can be glorious. However, there is a fine line between corny and hilarious. I’d like to think that this cartoon is somewhere in between.  The idea came to me while I was looking through

Puns are a funny thing. When properly executed they can be glorious. However, there is a fine line between corny and hilarious. I’d like to think that this cartoon is somewhere in between.

The idea came to me while I was looking through a bunch of my original sketches. Even though my cartoons are inked and colored digitally, I usually sketch out the cartoon with a pencil on good old-fashioned paper first. Something is rewarding about physically using a real pencil to draw. While inking is quite efficient digitally, and coloring is fantastic, I prefer to go old school in the sketching phase.

Sketching digitally is just not that enjoyable for me. On occasion, I will ink my artwork with a brush pen or micron pen right on bristol board paper and then scan it into a computer for the coloring process, but it takes way longer. It’s much more satisfying to physically ink on paper but between my 9-5 desk job and my side hustle as a musician, I just don’t have the time. One day, I hope these cartoons can bring in enough income that (along with the music) I can leave the desk job behind. When that day comes I will most likely ink the old-fashioned way on all the cartoons. It just looks more natural. Until that day comes though, digital inking it is.

I try my best to make the digital cartoons look non-digital though. I don’t use any of the smoothing or correcting tools available with my programs. (Mainly photoshop and Procreate) I prefer to make the lines without a computer's assistance so they look a little more raw and real. I think of digital drawing tools in the same way that I think of auto-tuning vocals or quantizing drums in an audio recording. A little bit too much and it’s ruined. Like putting too much salt on scrambled eggs. Music, art, eggs, etc..are not supposed to be perfect. They are just supposed to “feel right”.

Hopefully, I have accomplished my goal with these cartoons and they don’t look digital to you. (Lord knows they are far from perfect) I’d like to know what you think. How did I do? Did you know they were done mostly digitally or did I fool you? Drop your response in the comments below.

Also, if you want to check out my music, this is my music website.

That’s the cartoon for today folks. Thank you so much for stopping by and supporting me. It means the world to me. I will be back Wednesday with the next one. Until then, watch out for sketchy characters!



Ten Minute Opus_Midlife Thesis_3.30.2022.png

Poliman_Midlife Thesis_3.23.2022.png