Midlife Thesis

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My girlfriend loves monarch butterflies. Every time she sees one she gets so excited! For a while, they were almost disappearing here in Vermont, so the fact that we are seeing them more often now is very welcoming.

Now, as far as a monarchy goes…well, I have less experience with that. I have friends from England, but that is about it. Here in America, we seem to be fascinated by it. News of the Queen and her escapades, coupled with the soap opera drama that is her family, seems to capture the imagination of Americans endlessly these days. However, it is a fantasy for us. If we actually lived in a monarchy, I doubt that we would be as enamored with the throne.

Unless, however, the monarchy was ruled by an actual monarch butterfly.

Well, then I suppose, it would be intriguing as all get out.

Maybe we will get lucky at the next presidential election and a butterfly will run? It would be the first-ever election between a butterfly and a cheese doodle. (obviously, I am assuming that the butterfly would be a democrat and on the other side….well…you know…someone who would rather enjoy being a king)

It would at least make the debates enjoyable.

I wonder who would win in the end? I want to think the caterpillar, recently turned butterfly, would win - but its tender age would point to a lack of experience. So, unfortunately, probably the snack food would win. After all, it is America. If we could choose between beauty and food - I am afraid food would win. Every time.

Well, that’s as political as I choose to get in this post.

Now I kind of want a snack. Something salty and cheesy for some reason…

That is today’s cartoon folks! I will be back Sunday with a brand new one. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my toons! It means a lot to me! Until next time…

