Midlife Thesis

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Political arguments online make me laugh. They also make me want to throw my phone into a river. I don’t want to read them but ultimately I can’t seem to look away. They are sort of like new soap operas. So pointless yet SO addicting!

Of course, no one wants to feel like their opinions are wrong and many people will go to great lengths to prove so. Be it ruining family get-togethers or spouting off on Twitter to unwilling participants. The problem is that the conflict is only fun for them...it can be painful for those on the other side.

The thing that gets me though, is whether our opinion is wrong or right, everyone always thinks that their views are the correct ones because they get them from the “right” sources. Between the internet, television, magazines, etc. It is getting increasingly difficult these days to vet our information. It seems we are just content to find the source that aligns with our core beliefs and treat that as gospel.

The problem is that all of our news sources exist for one reason...and it’s not to inform us. It is to make money. It doesn't matter to them how truthful their content is. It matters how many people are consuming it. The larger numbers they get the more prominent companies they can attract to advertise on their platform. Higher numbers - better targets … it all leads to being able to charge more for advertising space. This is a truly sad state of affairs. No longer is an informed public as important as a marketable one.

I don’t claim to know the answer to this problem either. But, I know one thing for certain, if your main objective is trying to sell ad space - your work will suffer. Notice how I have no ads on this website whatsoever? That is 100% by design. I want it to be all about the cartoons.

Now...do I have any money? No. But that is a story for another day.

Back to the news. It is important to stay informed but, it is even more importanter (is that a word?) to realize that you most likely don’t have all the facts before spouting your unwanted knowledge to the world. After all, there are two sides to every story. Or three, or ten.

That is today’s cartoon folks, we will be back Sunday with an Easter cartoon! Can you believe it’s Easter already? Man, time flies! See you soon!

