Midlife Thesis

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A common phrase from where I was born and raised (and still live to this day) is, “I need to unthaw this” particular frozen item.

It kind of cracks me up, but people come by it honestly.

In fact, I am guilty of saying it as well. It’s a phrase I have heard so many times in my life that, if I am not careful, it just kind of spills out unintentionally.

With best intentions at hand, saying you need to “unfreeze” something before you cook it can easily slip out as “unthaw”. For most of my life I never gave it a second thought but, as I started reading and writing my own songs, I have become hyper aware of how language should be used…and this is just plain WRONG. It’s just not proper grammar. Though, in songwriting in particular, grammar rules can be broken occasionally. But, they should never be in real life.

However, if we are using words like Guacamole as a verb these days, I suppose it could be. (I am referring to a Chipotle commercial where instead of them saying that they can add Guacamole to something, they just say, “Guac” as if it were a verb) So really…is it bad grammar?

What is Grammar these days?

Let me give you a couple examples:

“I can’t even.” You can’t even what? Finish the damn sentence!

“Your sneakers are on fleek!” NO!!! the word “Fleek” means perfectly done. You wouldn’t say “your sneakers are perfectly done.”, would you? Maybe you would? I don’t know? Maybe I am wrong?

One thing I do know, is “unthawed” is not a word. Even if it is commonly used.

That is today’s cartoon folks! I just remembered that I have some chicken in the freezer to unthaw before diner tonight, so I have to go do that.

Oooops! I did it again! Ha!

Have a great day folks and I will be back with a new cartoon for you this coming Sunday!

