The Sunday Comics Page Lives On!
More and more papers are sacrificing the beloved Sunday comics these days. By that, I mean drastically shrinking them down. Remember when the Sunday comics were about six pages in the newspaper? And truthfully, since weekly comics are largely in color now, they don't have the same meaning they used to. But there's still a nostalgic feeling of seeing a Sunday comic strip, complete with the header art and the throwaway frame. (The first frame. Back in the day, if the newspapers wanted to save space, they would cut off the top third of the comic, usually the header art and the first frame. Nowadays, it's almost a miracle to find the header and throwaway frame in the Sunday comics. Some cartoonists don't even draw them anymore... but I digress.)
I have always wanted to draw a proper "Sunday Funny," so here it is, my first attempt! They will get better as I go along and familiarize myself with the process. There was quite a learning curve with this first one. I mean, I went from having to draw just one frame with the single-panel cartoons to 4 frames with the new format, and now I have to draw 7 frames and a header that takes up the space of 2 frames? That's like drawing 8 cartoons at once! Yikes!
Anyways, thanks for coming along on this journey with me as I've upped my workload from drawing 2 comics a week to drawing, like, I don't know, 16? (Technically 3 – but with all the frames it feels like... you get it.)
Now if I could only make this my full-time job (which it has felt like for the past week behind the scenes), I could get you a new comic every day. For now, we will just have to settle with new cartoons on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. See you Wednesday to see what kind of mess Marty has gotten himself into this time!
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