Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   The internet has given us so many things and provided us with countless wonders. In the blink of an eye, you have access to the world's information at your fingertips. (And misinformation as well, but that's a whole other story)  However,

The internet has given us so many things and provided us with countless wonders. In the blink of an eye, you have access to the world's information at your fingertips. (And misinformation as well, but that's a whole other story)

However, through anonymity, It has also provided us with a false sense of security. An invisible cloak, so to speak, in which it is all too easy to hide behind a screen and be mean. Hey, that rhymed! I'm a poet ...and I know it.

In all seriousness, it is quite disheartening the way some people behave behind the keyboard. Face to face I still find most people to be kind and follow some sort of social etiquette. Online though...YIKES!

My parents raised me to be polite to everyone I meet. They never said to be polite on the internet because, well...I'm old and the internet wasn't quite a thing yet. Somehow, even in my slightly below-average intellect, I was able to apply kindness as the internet established itself. I didn't need to receive a memo on this topic and if there was one, clearly a lot of people didn't get it.

Truth be told, I have a Twitter account but I seldom use it as I find Twitter to be the most unkind of all social media. Though they all have their moments. I'm like anyone else, scrolling through the comments...addicted to it like crack! I can't look away as I read the exchanges from the so-called "keyboard warriors" as they take down their opponents with their (usually) less than clever wit. It's like a schoolyard fight. Even if you're not invested in the outcome, you just can't look away!

I practice large amounts of self-discipline by not allowing myself to get involved and I think that's the proper thing to do. I don't expect everyone else to practice this self restraint - but I wish they would. After all, everyone is an expert these days...including me, apparently.

That's my Ted talk for today. As always, thanks for checking out my cartoons! See you Sunday for the next installment of how much better I am than everyone else on the internet.



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