Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Sunday, Wednesday & Friday.

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   Happy New Year! Meet Marty!  Midlife Thesis officially launched on this day 3 years ago as a single-panel comic. One of my lifelong dreams has been to create a full comic strip with a compelling, ongoing narrative and memorable characters

Happy New Year! Meet Marty!

Midlife Thesis officially launched on this day 3 years ago as a single-panel comic. One of my lifelong dreams has been to create a full comic strip with a compelling, ongoing narrative and memorable characters. However, I recognized the need to hone my drawing skills first. It had been years since I had seriously drawn, so Midlife Thesis has remained in the single-panel format while I refined my technique. But that's all changing now!

Three years later, I feel I am finally okayish enough at drawing, that the time has finally come to launch a full-fledged series! New cartoons will be coming your way every Wednesday and Friday from now on, along with a traditional longer-form Sunday Funny!

So get ready to meet Marty and get to know the rest of the gang over the coming weeks. I thank you all for your support of Midlife Thesis over the years, and I am excited to share this new direction with you!

Cheers to the new year and Cheers to 2025!

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