Midlife Thesis is a new cartoon series from cartoonist Tod Pronto. It draws inspiration from no particular subject and has no hidden nor obvious agenda, other than to be amusing.

New Cartoons Posted Every Monday & Friday.

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   Here in Northern Vermont, once March begins, the countdown to spring is on! Unfortunately, Mother Nature rarely feels the same way.  Realistically, we aren’t going to see spring start to make an appearance until late April if we’re lucky.

Here in Northern Vermont, once March begins, the countdown to spring is on! Unfortunately, Mother Nature rarely feels the same way.

Realistically, we aren’t going to see spring start to make an appearance until late April if we’re lucky. In most cases, it lingers until May. But for us native Vermonters, the long-standing purveyors of the frozen tundra, we start to get a bit antsy the minute March is on the radar. We’re fine with snow in October for the most part, but snow in March…we’re over it!

You may have heard of the term “Cabin Fever”. I’m here to confirm that it’s a real thing. Us Vermonters thrive in the cold weather. We’ve learned to adapt. We make do with what nature hurls our way. But even we have our limits! That limit is March 1st. That is the day that we all collectively start declaring that “we are done with winter already!”

You are seeing this cartoon on March 2nd but I am writing down these words on March 1st and it is snowing like crazy as I type! It’s been a rather mild winter for us, but it seems that we have received most of our winter’s snow in the last week or so. Just in time for us to all be officially sick of it.

You know the saying “April showers bring May flowers?” Here in Northern Vermont, it’s “May showers bring June showers that might bring July summers for about two weeks.” Roughly speaking.

I kid, but summers here are short. They are glorious, yet quick. It’s no wonder that we start looking for any sign of spring once March rolls around. Even if it’s a literal spring in the middle of the forest. Any glimpse of warmer weather gives us hope to shovel another day. We are almost there, I can feel it! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to shovel out the driveway and salt the walk. We are in for another 5 to 6 inches of snowfall and I want to stay on top of it.

That’s today’s cartoon folks! It means so much to me that you stop by to check them out. Please feel free to share with your friends, it will help me out a bunch and it would mean the world to me. I will be back Sunday with a new cartoon. What else do I have to do? I’m snowed in for at least another 2-3 months.



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