Midlife Thesis

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We all know that one person. Or two. Or ten….

Hell, it’s practically everybody these days. Do you ever get the feeling that all anybody talks about anymore is politics? It can’t be healthy. After all, everything in moderation ,right?

Maybe we can attribute it to the rise of social media? Maybe it is the 24 hour news networks? Whatever it is, it’s a bit too much.

I certainly understand being informed. Knowing what is going on around you is a very important thing. But I have a rule. I no longer watch the evening news when I get home at night. I also try to limit my time watching talk shows or YouTube videos where people discuss current events at length. What I do is skim the news on the Apple News app on my phone. If a story looks like something I should be informed about, I will read it. After I’ve read that version, I will then go read the BBC’s version of it and leave it at that. Just enough to have some basic information, form my own opinion and then I check out. I may not have all the details but do any of us really?

What do any of us stand to learn from relying on entities whose soul purpose is to attract eyeballs - keep them engaged as long as possible - gather data on the demographic they are attracting - and then turn around and sell advertising directly back to you? News isn’t about the information anymore, it’s about the profit. Bias is about the only thing you will gain from consuming it on a regular basis.

Bias and negativity. Two things that are sure to put you in a bad mood and keep you there.

Dan Piraro, the creator of the cartoon strip Bizzaro was once asked in an interview why he didn’t do editorial cartoons. He noted that early on in his career he was offered a great paying job from a prominent newspaper or magazine to do editorial cartoons. He declined for one simple reason. In order to be good at what you do you must totally immerse yourself in it. Day in and day out. He came to the conclusion that if he had to spend every day immersed in “shit” than it wouldn’t be a good thing for his mental health. So he politely turned down the offer. This story has always resonated with me. It is part of the reason I don’t tend to get overly political in any aspect of my life as well. Who needs that shit anyways?

I know some people get wrapped up in it. Almost to the point that their whole identity is their politics. This is why some people tend to think that if you don’t like their politics it must mean you don’t like them. Maybe that is true, maybe it’s not. If that’s your deal then who am I to say it’s wrong? It just isn’t for me. Life is short. Focus on the positive whenever possible.

There just isn’t a whole lot of positive in the news these days. After all, happy doesn’t attract eyeballs.

No eyeballs means no money.

No money means no money. And money is money, is money, is money. Everyone wants money!

Not me though, I am an artist. I have learned to live without money.

(That is kind of a joke but also pretty true)

Anyways, that is today’s cartoon folks! I will be back with a brand new toon on Sunday. In the meantime, watch out for Poliman! The super hero no one asked for. It’s a bird!

It’s a plane, it’s…..quick hide! It’s that friggen politics guy again!

